Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I checked in to 5 places and wrote 12 microblogs. I was in West Des Moines, Des Moines, and Ankeny, Iowa.

8:10 am

Dos locos kick your ass. Dos locos kick your face. Dos locos kick your balls into OUTER SPACE
1 comment

11:54 am

Checked in at Red 5 Interactive, West Des Moines, Iowa

11:54 am

Feel like I've been staying busy all morning, but the day is just crawling by. Sad.

11:57 am

and i accidentally just googled, "google.com"

1:22 pm

Checked in at Ingersoll Ave & 28th St, Des Moines, IA 50312, United States, Des Moines, Iowa

1:22 pm

Powering up at star bar with todd.

3:28 pm

someone give me their old iphone

3:29 pm

Checked in at Red 5 Interactive, West Des Moines, Iowa

4:00 pm

@petercolejr ;) need something to hold me over til the next android device after the mytouch

5:13 pm

fixin 1 little hiccup, then headin home for some tuesday skate night action

6:19 pm

@aeongrey sometimes other girls are hot too.

7:19 pm

Skated to el charro with diverse, red, and kari. Margaritas in hand
1 comment

8:13 pm

Checked in at SE Lorenz Dr & NE 22nd St, Ankeny, IA 50021, United States, Ankeny, Iowa

8:13 pm

I wish we didn't know about the cheap long islands at okoboji

9:41 pm

2 for 1s at stix. Skate night is awesome.

10:31 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

10:51 pm

Chillin at diverse's, listenin to music.

July 21, 2009