12:04 am
Some living quarters near the Black Dragon Temple
12:05 am
Walking toward the black dragon temple
12:06 am
Looking out from the black dragon temple area
12:07 am
Outside the black dragon temple... wish we could've taken photos inside
12:08 am
Black dragon temple
12:08 am
12:09 am
12:10 am
This area was beautiful and so chill
12:11 am
An incredible place to be
12:12 am
Temple details
12:13 am
Burnin some stuff
12:15 am
Lightin that stick
12:16 am
A crazy carving in the ceiling of the incense spot
12:17 am
Burnin some sticks
12:17 am
12:24 am
12:25 am
Such a pretty place
12:25 am
Leaving the temples
12:26 am
The stairway to the temples
12:26 am
12:27 am
Washin those hands
12:29 am
Temple stuff
12:29 am
Checked in at 身延山 久遠寺, Minamikoma District, Yamanashi, Japan
12:31 am
12:31 am
This would probably be a pretty chill place to live
12:48 am
Checked in at ENEOS (ENEOS 下山SS), Minamikoma District, Yamanashi, Japan
1:09 am
Bit of a storm on our way up to Hoshinoya
1:12 am
A curvy road
1:52 am
Coming up on Hoshinoya
1:56 am
Checked in at Hoshinoya Fuji (星のや富士), Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi, Japan
2:03 am
The first thing you do when you get to this resort is pick out a fancy backpack, heh
2:30 am
Pods @ Hoshinoya
2:33 am
Our campground suite, lol
2:49 am
A few bubbles after checking in
2:54 am
Checked in at HOSHINOYA Fuji Cloud Terrace, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi, Japan
3:23 am
Japanese maples
3:57 am
The decks at this fancy glamping resort were crazy
4:01 am
Heading toward our private dinner in the woods
4:03 am
Lookin at the fancy dinner menu
4:35 am
Bout to eat some venison, boar, duck, etc
4:37 am
Smokin up some wild boar
4:52 am
Doin some cookin
4:53 am
Cookin dinner
5:11 am
5:11 am
Cookin up some dinner
5:59 am
Mount Fuji birthday cake!
6:00 am
Look at this lil Fuj
7:22 am
Hanging on our patio
3:53 pm
Startin the day off with some Yoga outside of Mount Fuji
4:05 pm
You can kind of see the outline of Mount Fuji through the fog from our patio
4:06 pm
Checked in at Hoshinoya Fuji (星のや富士), Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi, Japan
4:16 pm
This is what we slept in
4:30 pm
A pretty morning on the way to the base of Fuji
4:43 pm
Wilderness boy
4:44 pm
4:45 pm
4:45 pm
Some lake fish
4:46 pm
Checked in at Lake Saiko (西湖), Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi, Japan
4:46 pm
Hangin by this lake
4:46 pm
Look at this tiny van
4:54 pm
Fog movin through the mountains
5:06 pm
Checked in at 竜宮洞穴, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi, Japan
5:09 pm
Tour guide showing us a 3D map of where we are at the base of Kofu.
5:20 pm
Hikin girls
5:23 pm
Walkin through the forest
5:26 pm
5:27 pm
Japanese forest
5:31 pm
I think this sign says danger or something
5:32 pm
Mossy forest
5:35 pm
Cave + shrine
5:39 pm
Light shining through the misty forest
5:41 pm
Hangin in this little cave
5:41 pm
Lookin around this cave
5:45 pm
5:45 pm
Capturin that moss
5:49 pm
Group pic on the hike
6:00 pm
Listen to the skunk
6:12 pm
Forest shroom
6:17 pm
6:27 pm
Still lake
6:46 pm
Cooking paninis for lunch @ Hoshinoya
6:51 pm
Cookin up some bacon
6:54 pm
Grillin up those veggies
7:12 pm
7:22 pm
Checked in at HOSHINOYA Fuji Cloud Terrace, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi, Japan
7:38 pm
Walking down to our rooms
7:38 pm
Our room
7:56 pm
Facetimin with family from Hoshinoya
8:49 pm
Some crazy Japanese Grasshopper
9:03 pm
Checked in at Hoshinoya Fuji (星のや富士), Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi, Japan
9:34 pm
Mountain drivin
9:58 pm
Checked in at 7-Eleven (セブンイレブン 富士宮朝霧高原店), Fujinomiya Shi, Shizuoka, Japan
10:19 pm
Some crazy spicy + sour ume rings
11:10 pm
Checked in at 焼津さかなセンター, Yaizu Shi, Shizuoka, Japan
11:15 pm
Some fish...
11:21 pm
Bout to eat some fish @ this crazy fish market spot
11:25 pm
Good thing the menu has pictures
11:42 pm
Tuna bowls were so cheap and soooo tasty
11:58 pm
Bout to order some wasabi ice cream
11:59 pm
Enjoying some wasabi ice cream