Friday, August 13, 2010

I checked in to 4 places, took 3 photos, and wrote 6 microblogs. I was in Ankeny, Iowa.

8:46 am

Sorta wish it was thursday again... definitely not ready for another weekend

11:40 am

@aeongrey when is that dm show?

1:05 pm

I dunno if you're knowin, but I'm growin and it's obviously showin, homie
1 comment

1:54 pm

Checked in at US Post Office, Ankeny, Iowa

2:08 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

7:19 pm

What's up this fine evening?

7:27 pm

Mammatus Clouds

7:28 pm

Mammatus Clouds

8:20 pm

There are some crazy things happening with the clouds tonight

8:21 pm

Sunset clouds

8:26 pm

Checked in at Thai Flavors, Ankeny, Iowa

8:44 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

9:09 pm

Having some drinks and cleaning the house with wifey... Party animals.

August 13, 2010