Sunday, September 10, 2017

I checked in to 6 places, took 6 photos, and walked 7.68 miles. I was in Iowa.

12:26 am

Climbin the wall at the Baptist camp near our campground, haha

12:26 am

Climbin that wall

12:27 am

Goin high

12:40 am

Chuck relaxin by the beach

12:55 am

This is a very long dock

12:02 pm

Checked in at VFW Post 4868, Clear Lake, Iowa

12:07 pm

The bloody marys at the VFW came with a little pork sandwich on top, haha

1:37 pm

Checked in at Clear Lake City Park, Clear Lake, Iowa

2:23 pm

Checked in at Flying J, Williams, Iowa

3:41 pm

Checked in at Wingert Winter Home, Ankeny, Iowa

4:33 pm

Checked in at Brooks' Dead End Ranch, Des Moines, Iowa

7:00 pm

Checked in at Fong's Pizza, Des Moines, Iowa

September 10, 2017