Wednesday, September 13, 2017

I checked in to 6 places, wrote 2 microblogs, walked 7.04 miles, and weighed 184.1 pounds. I was in Des Moines, Iowa.

8:37 am

Checked in at Park Avenue Car Wash, Des Moines, Iowa

9:27 am

Checked in at Land Rover Des Moines, Des Moines, Iowa

10:15 am

Checked in at Brooks' Dead End Ranch, Des Moines, Iowa

10:59 am

Checked in at Wellmark YMCA, Des Moines, Iowa

12:12 pm

Checked in at The Fighting Burrito, Des Moines, Iowa

12:30 pm

Checked in at Brooks' Dead End Ranch, Des Moines, Iowa

4:53 pm

Goddamn stink bugs, man.

8:00 pm

I'm the type of bad dude who stir fries veggies without a shirt on

September 13, 2017