A lot of you know that I've been building a shed in my back yard. It's my first building so I was a bit nervous... luckily I have mad building skillz, haha. So I downloaded the "Californian" plans from just-sheds.com and built a sweet shed.
There's not much to say about it except that I definitely learned a lot. Here's a few things to note...
· rent a sod cutter next time
· remember to put mesh in my cement next time
· make sure the frame will meet up well with the sheets of plywood
· don't build 45 degree roofs (I am scared of them)
· working with metal fascia sucks
Also, thanks a TON to everyone that helped out or let me borrow tools... My dad, Jeff Reynolds, Anthony, r00, Rico, Kevi, Mike Kock.
Here are some progressive …