
This is a collection of 19,681 things that my ADHD mind has puked out over the last 18.28 years.

Check out my latest entries below, some of my top remarks or some things that I love or wish for.


RT @kbroox Today I've been punched 3 times, kicked in the shin and the knee cap, spit on and called a bitch. Spring break is definitely over

Someone should patent mobile multitasking, cams with flashes, and wvga devices... ya know, before apple copies...

wtf. i just realized i completely forgot to slam a dewsk this morning. luckily bob stashed those back-ups in the fridge.

Exif data is fun. I sorta wish I would've been more careful about preserving it when editing/uploading photos over the years.

i'm gonna start a clothing line called confliction for all the conflicted douchers out there. but first, i need a sandwich!

As if Monday wasn't bad enough... I can barely walk and there's a jackhammer busting up the sidewalk outside my office.

Dang. Over 3 hours after I took that hard fall in broomball today my knee suddenly starts killin me. Wtf. Go away pain!

Hate to be the guy that blames a bad game on stuff... but I totally blame my new shoes for my awful playing. ;) Atleast we won though!

Kari seriously made it past 4:30am. This never happens without leaving the state.