Pulled over. no front plate, windows too dark, and my 3rd tail lite being out...
This is a collection of 19,681 things that my ADHD mind has puked out over the last 18.28 years.
Check out my latest entries below, some of my top remarks or some things that I love or wish for.
Pulled over. no front plate, windows too dark, and my 3rd tail lite being out...
wow. i totally forgot to look at twitter all morning. finally caught up... and this android @foursquare update is way nice.
Lunch! This place is amazing. - Photo: bkite.com/3p1hh
goin to check out the killer sandwiches at B&B grocery and deli. east siiiiiide.
Ahhh. Nothin like startin your day debugging your broken network.
Completely jealous of all my friends at SXSW... maybe next year.
RT @jonathanglick: I'm concerned that people at South by Southwest will have difficulty figuring out their friends' locations.
Really excited to be in bed... My awful mattress actually feels nice right now.
Old chicago ankeny with germ and the neighbors. (@ Old Chicago w/ @reddhed) foursquare.com/...964a52033d126e3
i think my "kari's gone, trash the house" post was taken seriously. so, miniparty at my place tomorrow. bring a drink, wiimotes, cigars, etc
smooth deployments are the awesomest.
PS check out the video i finished up before bed last night, haha. tech deck dorks TWO! derek.broox.com...h-deck-dorks-2/
i bet i'm gonna be sleepy today. but on a side note, it's a bit weird to see my entire back yard not full of snow.
kari leaves town, i forget about my bedtime, haha. ... it's bedtime!
tech blogs that do not easily display the date each article was published are RIDICULOUS. i wanna know when this shit was relevant.
The worst part of bringing your waterproof jacket with you, is leaving it in your car. Raaaainny
I wish @dsmliarsclub had public wifi. I'd definitely sit down here and work on stuff while listening to good music.
Video: edited. Pickin up red, grabbin some wings, then headin downtown to hang out with the dudes and listen to good musicas. Liars club.
Workin on tech deck dorks part 2, haha - Photo: bkite.com/3nvcf
tonight, i am not working on anyone else's stuff. workin on my own stuff... doin my own thing. it's gonna be nice.