Doctorin up the random gash on ninja's head, then headin into the office.
This is a collection of 19,656 things that my ADHD mind has puked out over the last 18.19 years.
Check out my latest entries below, some of my top remarks or some things that I love or wish for.
Doctorin up the random gash on ninja's head, then headin into the office.
whoa apparently time keeps on slippin slippin slippin... into the future. so uh, i'm gonna go to bed.
man that thing is fun!
Goin for a cruise on the longboard.
Cnn is reporting on keyboard cat, wtf.
Havin a beer at hessen haus with nehru, nick, zach, and a bunch of PHIn00bs
t = (-1 * (((c + h) * (p / 100)) + (c + h))) / ((o * (p / 100)) - (1 - o)) - take that algebra! right in your face!
The enigma is walking around valley junction, ha. That's the 2nd time I've randomly seen him in the area recently...
A dong with nathan. Bún FTW.
oh man. i've got a semi-difficult algebra equation and i've completely forgotten how to solve it. embarrassing.
The state troopers are finding some new hiding spots on i35s. Punks.
RT @chrisemmitt If you want to be a leader; you must first know where you are going.
What does it say about your house when you can get full gps satellite reception while sitting in a completely enclosed, windowless bathroom.
stevebrownismyh...orld-yo-yo.html This is madness. awesome awesome madness! (via @harper)
are any des moines cornell peeps going to the icubs game sunday? i just emailed and RSVP'd - you should too. mycornell.corne...1539/start.aspx
India Star with wifey.
Nice night with friends. Back to work tomorrow
Whoa. A lot of people showed up to hang out. Join us!
Bring a cigar to my house and smoke it. I'm goin to get the beer.
Tres generations anejo and homemade guac at dos rios. Awesometown. - Photo: