Went to bed
Went to bed
Fell asleep
Those ideas that keep you up at night...
1 comment
Woke up after sleeping 5.72 hours
Professional organizer, @JeriDansky blogged about my crazy t-shirt purging project: bit.ly/V2e71v
I love that Flickr is becoming cool again. How did this happen?
Checked in at Casey's General Store, Ankeny, Iowa
Checked in at Goodsmiths HQ, West Des Moines, Iowa
Now that I'm using an android phone, I really want an iPad Mini just to keep up with the iOS world... I was afraid this would happen.
Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa
Fellow gun owners, maybe rather than arguing against gun control, we should try arguing *for* another reasonable solution... Just a thought.
1 comment
@sneakstar jealous!
1 comment
And who the shit is Derek Brown!?