Monday, December 31, 2012

I slept 8.38 hours, checked in to 4 places, took 6 photos, wrote 4 microblogs, walked 2.84 miles, and weighed 184.9 pounds. I was in Clive, Ankeny, and Des Moines, Iowa.

12:23 am

Fell asleep

9:28 am

Woke up after sleeping 8.38 hours

10:20 am

@ManikRathee In my research yesterday, I found that that's common on a PC if QuickTime isn't installed.

11:50 am

Checked in at livewell, Clive, Iowa

1:19 pm

Checked in at Batteries Plus, Ankeny, Iowa

1:36 pm

Me: OK, I need a mallet, some pinchers, baking soda, and q-tip. Kari: What you need is a job! I'm tired of all your little projects! Gah!
1 comment

6:06 pm

Welp, Lindsey just showed up! Adding one to the dinner reservation and getting ready to party.

7:19 pm

Getting ready

8:01 pm

Checked in at Capital Pub & Hot Dog Co., Des Moines, Iowa

9:00 pm

Checked in at Alba, Des Moines, Iowa

9:09 pm


9:29 pm


9:47 pm


10:29 pm


10:29 pm


10:34 pm

Just ordered a root beer float for the first time... maybe ever. Party!
1 comment

December 31, 2012