Monday, March 14, 2011

I checked in to 4 places, took 1 photo, and wrote 3 microblogs. I was in Illinois and Iowa.

12:56 am

The ratio of fake boobs:real boobs in this place is hilarious.
1 comment

1:35 am

Pretty excited to be home building softwares and hanging out with that @kbroox of mine tomorrow.

2:33 am

Checked in at The James Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

1:06 pm

Checked in at Chicago Union Station, Chicago, Illinois

1:34 pm

Heading home

8:43 pm

Checked in at Osceola Amtrak (OSC), Osceola, Iowa

8:45 pm

Almost home! That train ride back was so much smoother.

10:22 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

March 14, 2011