Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I checked in to 6 places, took 2 photos, and wrote 5 microblogs. I was in Des Moines and Ankeny, Iowa.

10:37 am

I wonder if tattoo artists think I'm crazy for bringing pages of printouts to my consultations...
1 comment

12:12 pm

Checked in at Iron Heart Tattoo, Des Moines, Iowa

12:47 pm

Checked in at The Beauty Parlor, Des Moines, Iowa

2:28 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

3:22 pm

This is maybe the most normal haircut I have ever had...

3:27 pm

This is maybe the most normal haircut I have ever had...

5:15 pm

Mt Dew tastes weird after noon.

6:34 pm

i have rebooted my primary computer 1 time this year, haha.

7:20 pm

Checked in at Miyabi 9, Des Moines, Iowa

7:50 pm

Miyabi 9 special.
1 comment

8:13 pm

Checked in at TCBY, Ankeny, Iowa

9:21 pm

Welp. Looks like a random trip to Chicago this weekend. Train tickets booked. Rolling with @djdiverse. Let's hang out, Chi friends!

10:14 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

March 9, 2011