Saturday, May 1, 2010

I checked in to 9 places, took 10 photos, and wrote 15 microblogs. I was in Iowa.

12:40 am

Girls that are celebrity hot do not belong in Iowa... but, welcome!
1 comment

1:39 am

No, jay-z, until I can sing the lyrics (as a white dude), "it ain't black vs white nigga, we off that" it ain't really off that.

3:00 am

Checked in at 73rd St & Meredith Dr, Urbandale, Iowa

3:45 am

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

4:19 am

I am trying so hard to play ipad in bed, but my eyes are absolutely revolting.... Bed time, hoo.

11:29 am

Waking up, rolling over, and grabbing the ipad to browse the internets is way better than the old phone browsing routine.

12:02 pm

@VitiAsh good luck with that* million tweet birthday challenge!
1 comment

2:12 pm

Heading to roland to do some golfing with Trent, Nick, n dudes.

2:39 pm

What would red do?

2:45 pm

Checked in at American Legion, Post 307, Roland, Iowa

2:46 pm

3:12 pm

Checked in at Radcliffe Friendly Fairways, Radcliffe, Iowa

3:26 pm

Trent's friends all brought their own golf carts, haha

4:35 pm

Sent from my phone.

4:39 pm

This is a sweet golf cart.

5:11 pm

This best ball tournament is about to get interesting... just lost my teammate, haha

6:11 pm

Great day for a game of golf.

6:38 pm

Hey Wingert, get one of these.

6:39 pm

hitch plow

6:41 pm

Hey Wingert, get one of these.
1 comment

6:46 pm

Checked in at Benny's, Radcliffe, Iowa

6:55 pm

this is where i am right now.

6:56 pm

John Deere trike sprayer

7:14 pm


7:18 pm

doin seventy

7:18 pm

wind turbines

7:39 pm

Checked in at S Linn St & E Heise St, Roland, Iowa

7:57 pm

Heading back to civilization. Country life is hilarious; definitely wish I could hang out for the rest of the night.

8:11 pm

8:32 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

8:36 pm

@mg i am against the bill as well... but remove hate by removing friends? haha.

9:19 pm

Checked in at Hawkeye Elks 160, Des Moines, Iowa

9:45 pm

@benagarr lets go while i'm in town!
1 comment

11:27 pm

Checked in at Dos Rios Cantina & Tequila Lounge, Des Moines, Iowa

May 1, 2010