Sunday, May 30, 2010

I checked in to 6 places, took 1 photo, and wrote 5 microblogs. I was in Ankeny and Colfax, Iowa.

1:23 am

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

10:17 am

Being in bed with this iPad is awesome... But I should really get this day of productivity started.

11:59 am

attempting to move a site from rackspace to godaddy. it feels awful... godaddy's UI is the worst thing ever.

1:49 pm

Checked in at ShortStop, Ankeny, Iowa

1:49 pm

Checked in at Casey's General Store, Ankeny, Iowa

2:15 pm

Checked in at Georgioz, Colfax, Iowa

2:16 pm

Checked in at Georgioz, Colfax, Iowa

2:45 pm

Meeting kari's motorcyclin parents for lunch in Colfax. Piiiiiiizza.

3:38 pm

Jeff n Teresa in Colfax

4:02 pm

Checked in at Target, Ankeny, Iowa

7:11 pm

Napping always feels like the biggest waste of daytime.

9:12 pm

Commence operation: remove dog hair from house.
1 comment

May 30, 2010