Thursday, May 20, 2010

I checked in to 7 places, took 5 photos, and wrote 7 microblogs. I was in California, Colorado, and Iowa.

12:46 am

Banksy - No Trespassing

2:45 am

Checked in at Elbo Room, San Francisco, California

3:45 am

Elbo Room Photobooth

4:12 am

just had a great night. amazing organic sushi and fire drinks with @harper, @blaine, @benhuh, n friends... plus more drinks with @ddukes.

4:14 am

Checked in at near Pennsylvania Ave & 25th St, San Francisco, California

10:22 am

Gettin ready for another long day of travel. San Francisco is awesome... Home will be awesome too.

12:14 pm

Checked in at Dipity, San Francisco, California

12:21 pm

One of those fancy google map restaurant markers

2:56 pm

Checked in at San Francisco International Airport (SFO), San Francisco, California

3:57 pm

Airport annoyance: what's up with the people who are supposed board last that stand in the way of people who are supposed to board first?

6:16 pm

Hello, Colorado.

6:33 pm

you know what's even cooler than cloud shadows? Fuckin airplane shadows.

6:52 pm

Checked in at Denver International Airport (DEN), Denver, Colorado

7:13 pm

The Quiznos shops in the Denver airport are also bars, wtf. Next time, I'm gonna have a deli sandwich and a beer.

7:22 pm

Comin home. Ready to put in that work.
1 comment

7:56 pm

Just tried to scroll a menu on my MacBook screen with my finger. Damn you, iPad!

11:00 pm

Checked in at Des Moines International Airport (DSM), Des Moines, Iowa

11:03 pm

Home sweet home. Apparently I just sat next to some Oakland Raider dude named Brandon Myers.

11:46 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

May 20, 2010