Saturday, May 21, 2011

I checked in to 7 places, took 7 photos, and wrote 6 microblogs. I was in Marion and Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

11:14 am

My mother-in-law is excited about itunes and is playing her library for us. So far, half of it has been Christmas music...
1 comment

1:26 pm

Just blind taste tested 2 tacos. One with real meat and one with Kari's fake meat. I honestly cannot tell which is which.

1:48 pm

Checked in at Casey's General Store, Marion, Iowa

3:13 pm

A pre-wedding Homebrew

3:30 pm

Checked in at The Reynolds Household, Marion, Iowa

3:57 pm

Checked in at New Life Community Church, Marion, Iowa

3:59 pm

At the Legree wedding. This may be the first wedding we've ever been on time to!

4:13 pm

Oh, Richard!

4:25 pm

"I love preaching to black people. They're just fun." - this white pastor, haha.
1 comment

6:12 pm

Checked in at Chrome Horse Slophouse & Saloon, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

6:38 pm

Scopin the place out

6:39 pm

The girls... and RJ!

7:25 pm

It was sunny for a bit

8:02 pm

OH: The Gettysburg address was shorter than this!

8:09 pm

Checked in at Capones Restaurant & Bar, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

9:02 pm

I'm not really sure what threw off the focus in this one... but I blame Craig's ass

9:48 pm

Checked in at Capones Restaurant & Bar, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

10:19 pm


11:15 pm

Checked in at Taco Bell, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

11:58 pm

The club half of Toocan's
May 21, 2011