Saturday, May 28, 2011

I checked in to 6 places, took 26 photos, and wrote 3 microblogs. I was in Minnesota.

2:46 am


9:57 am

Checked in at C-Store, Morgan, Minnesota

10:03 am

Driving to go canoeing

10:20 am

Checked in at HARDEE'S 1503717, Sleepy Eye, Minnesota

10:20 am

Checked in at Hardee's, Sleepy Eye, Minnesota

10:42 am

Getting their fishing gear ready

10:51 am

Leave it to beavers...

11:15 am

Josh already looks a bit worried about the trip

11:20 am


11:23 am


11:24 am


11:33 am

Swallow Holes

11:41 am

Our first, and best stop

12:12 pm

Hanging out and fishing

12:14 pm

The only thing they caught all day

12:55 pm

Still trying to fish

2:05 pm

Breaking after emptying our canoe full of water

2:07 pm

Dumping water out of the canoe after the 2nd time we nearly capsized

3:02 pm

Safety. The calm after the storm.

3:02 pm

A friend we made while trying to hitchhike

3:04 pm

Happy to not be in that canoe
1 comment

3:05 pm

Trying to figure out which way to walk

3:12 pm

Just tried canoeing to schell brewery... turned into white water rafting and thunderstorms. Now, we're on the side of the highway...

3:54 pm

The meadow that Jeff and I portaged our gear to

3:58 pm

Picking up the Canoe
1 comment

4:08 pm

The dude who owned the farm we pulled out at was awesome

4:16 pm

Hanging out in the "barn"

4:21 pm

Shuffleboard in the "barn"

4:35 pm

Checked in at Casey's General Store, Sleepy Eye, Minnesota

5:17 pm

Checked in at Jake's Pizza, New Ulm, Minnesota

6:45 pm

Almost dangerously capsized a canoe twice, got hailed on, portaged gear a half mile, and hitch hiked today...

9:04 pm

Checked in at Liquor Lodge, Redwood Falls, Minnesota

9:48 pm

Still going fast and danger. Night time beer darts.

10:35 pm

Night time beer darts... was actually one of the safer things we did that day

10:35 pm

Night time beer darts
May 28, 2011