Sunday, May 8, 2022

I slept 8.55 hours, checked in to 5 places, wrote 3 microblogs, and walked 5.39 miles. I was in Mount Vernon and Des Moines, Iowa.

7:33 am

Woke up after sleeping 8.55 hours

8:50 am

Checked in at Palisades-Kepler State Park, Mount Vernon, Iowa

11:04 am

Checked in at Brooks' Dead End Ranch, Des Moines, Iowa

2:00 pm

Free boi summer week 1: got over covid + tuned up lawnmower and camper + new dog hangs + yardwork + camping + barely touched a computer + way more active. felt awesome.

5:11 pm

Checked in at Dinoโ€™s Storage, Des Moines, Iowa

6:31 pm

Checked in at Mad Meatball, Des Moines, Iowa

7:09 pm

Checked in at Brooks' Dead End Ranch, Des Moines, Iowa

7:30 pm

I hope that you took advantage of the opportunity to tell a good mom joke today. Also, thanks to all the mommies for being moms and doing mommy things.

9:24 pm

I am very allergic to our new dog. My eyes. They burn.

9:31 pm

Fell asleep

May 8, 2022