Friday, May 27, 2022

I slept 9.08 hours, checked in to 2 places, took 5 photos, wrote 2 microblogs, walked 7.49 miles, and weighed 178.8 pounds. I was in Des Moines, Iowa.

7:38 am

Woke up after sleeping 9.08 hours

9:56 am

Found another rawhide on the walk today

12:34 pm

Kari ordered these little garden gnome rapper dudes. They are tiny. And pretty awesome, tbh.

12:47 pm

Guess I’ll brew some beer today. Probably after my haircut tho. Busy day.

1:00 pm

I just moved from Digital Ocean to Render and it is now twice as fast.

2:32 pm

Back yard visitor

2:56 pm

Checked in at Eleven Cherry, Des Moines, Iowa

3:57 pm

Checked in at Brooks' Dead End Ranch, Des Moines, Iowa

4:38 pm

Mason helps out with the mash

7:41 pm

Emily just showed up on her one wheel
May 27, 2022