Saturday, June 6, 2009

I took 69 photos and wrote 9 microblogs. I was in Ankeny and Des Moines, Iowa.

12:06 am

Chuck and Jenni

12:06 am


12:10 am

Tobbie backing it up
1 comment

12:11 am

Stix FTW

12:26 am

Josh and Nathan
1 comment

12:30 am


12:53 am

Tobbie always wants shots.

12:53 am

Patron down the hatch.

12:56 am

Stix Dance Floor
1 comment

12:57 am

Dancing at Stix

12:58 am

I love when Josh dances

12:58 am

Jenni and Nick
1 comment

12:59 am

Chuck doin it

1:01 am

Jenni wearing my hat

1:05 am

Nathan and a ton of chicks

1:10 am

Chuck dancing with chicks
1 comment

1:21 am

Janelle and Nathan

11:56 am

another saturday morning waking up to my guests being gone. hilarious

1:20 pm

just walked into jimmy johns with my new beaver boys shirt and the place erupted, haha

1:52 pm

at copper creek. watchin the hangover

2:57 pm

Bloody Mary Toothpaste

4:00 pm

sittin on the patio at rich's havin a bloody mary

4:54 pm

this dude next to me has bamf on his license plate, ha

6:02 pm

boji with kari, tobbie, and jeremy

7:16 pm

Settin up Josh's tent

7:25 pm

Staking the tent

7:32 pm

At Jeff's

7:45 pm

Playing Guitar Hero Metallica

7:50 pm

Playing Guitar Hero

7:53 pm

Josh Singing Metallica - getting a look from Kari

7:53 pm

Josh singing Metallica

7:58 pm

Metallica Guitar Hero

7:59 pm

Guitar Hero Metallica

8:11 pm

Josh Bartending
1 comment

8:12 pm


8:13 pm

Cherry Bombs

8:23 pm

Guitar Hero

8:27 pm

Thanking everyone for coming

8:29 pm

Iulia Wondering why Jeff is so Nervous

8:30 pm

Surprise! ha
1 comment

8:30 pm

Getting Engaged

8:30 pm


8:30 pm


8:30 pm

Laughing at Jeff's nervousness

8:37 pm

Cherry Bombs

8:54 pm

Beer Darts

8:54 pm

Beer Darts

8:54 pm

Laughing Hard

8:56 pm

Mowing a beer darts fairway

8:57 pm

Beer Darts

8:57 pm

Beer shot Rankin in the face

9:03 pm


9:07 pm

Dozer only calms down when you hold him high enough to be scared

9:09 pm

I laugh this hard every weekend with Josh

9:10 pm

Laughing Lots
1 comment

9:18 pm

Crazy Wifey

9:19 pm

Kari and Nathan

9:19 pm

Nicole and Ando

9:27 pm

at wingert's. jeff and iulia are engaged! and rankin is hilarious

9:29 pm

Playing Bags

9:33 pm


9:33 pm

The back of my shirt - and a cigar turd

9:34 pm

Rankin and Ashley

9:34 pm

More Cherry Bombs

9:37 pm

Cherry Bombs

9:37 pm

Winner, winner, chicken dinner

9:37 pm

Dave and Kari

10:03 pm

Josh Bartending

10:05 pm

Onto the Jager

10:06 pm

Party People

10:07 pm

Chuck's here!

10:08 pm

Frosting Face

10:30 pm

Kenneth Kaniff and Josh

10:35 pm

Erik and Dave

10:45 pm

Rock Band

10:46 pm

Fooood time

10:51 pm

@kevinswitzer wtf. congrats.
1 comment

11:18 pm

@iowabrewer that is looking really nice

June 6, 2009