Monday, July 29, 2013

I slept 8.28 hours, wrote 1 blog, checked in to 5 places, wrote 4 microblogs, walked 1.14 miles, and weighed 183.6 pounds. I was in Ankeny and Johnston, Iowa.

12:25 am

More studio apartments should come with garages... Also, apartment shopping in Chicago is overwhelming.

1:23 am

Went to bed

1:36 am

Fell asleep

10:11 am

Woke up after sleeping 8.28 hours

11:23 am

Checked in at Kum & Go, Ankeny, Iowa

12:42 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

1:04 pm

Checked in at The Terronez Household, Johnston, Iowa

1:20 pm

Checked in at Bandit Burrito, Johnston, Iowa

1:52 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

2:15 pm

I shouldn't have eaten that whole burrito.

4:21 pm

My favorite music to work to lately has been @Ryan_Paradise's Lust Dust series... Look him up on soundcloud.

8:46 pm

8:54 pm

Biking in Iowa is awesome... and confusing!

July 29, 2013