Saturday, September 15, 2007

I took 29 photos and wrote 4 microblogs. I was in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

12:28 am

Upstairs at Downtown Drink

12:31 am

Upstairs at Downtown Drink

1:03 am

Dancing at Drink

1:05 am

Shirts off!

3:01 am

The Crypticon Kids' Hotel Room, haha

3:01 am

At some Crypticon kids' hotel room

4:38 am

The Crypticon Kids' Hotel Room, haha

5:03 am

5am spose

11:37 am


11:52 am

holy night. at pizza lucce - finally

1:01 pm

Josh using a cell phone - always funny

1:16 pm

Hacksawing his bumper off
1 comment

2:06 pm

drunk at moa

6:25 pm

The Lone Tree Building

7:12 pm

wings and big beer at gluecks

7:45 pm

Plural Men

7:55 pm


8:20 pm

We were both attracted to color

8:56 pm

Josh launched that card and it stuck in that crack

9:17 pm

Shelly! at the Loon

9:20 pm

With the Beer Goggles chick

9:43 pm

The Sunglasses Trade-up

9:47 pm

M for Minnesota

10:05 pm

Otto at the Loon

10:16 pm


10:38 pm

Lots of girls - and my hoodie

10:46 pm

Josh and some waitress at Drink

11:01 pm

At Drink

11:18 pm

Nathan carrying some girl???

11:30 pm

At Spin

11:42 pm

Shots at Spin
1 comment

11:55 pm

VIP at Spin

11:58 pm

VIP at Spin