I write, occasionally

Here's a collection of 650 pieces of nonsense that I've written over the past 23.66 years.

  • Employed!

    So I just got a job for the summer... finally. It turns out I'll be living in Mount Vernon for the summer and working on the Cornell Website. I've also probably got a job rebuilding a website for another company in the Quad Cities, and possibly a job at Subway (for a few extra bucks)? Who knows, but things are looking up for me.
  • Turbo's GT

    My buddy, Aaron, liked my Nova video so much that he wanted one of his own. Aaron drives a Mustang GT (so fast)... and we thought we could do a couple cool things in a video. The only problem was, I live about 2 hours from Aaron, and have no video of his car. But, something worked out...

    My other buddy, Zach, is also getting into video editing and had to make a "how to" video for a class he was in. So he filmed Aaron and made a really good 3 minute video on how to drive a stick shift car. In Zach's version he explains how everything works and stuff like that. I used some of the clips from Zach's video to make a video similar to my Nova video, but since Zach got some great shots... Aaron's video is a little cooler than mine. The …
  • Nova

    There is a good chance that I blew the engine of my Talon last Friday... which sucks, but i'll find out the verdict soon. Yesterday, I put together a little video in remembrance of my first car. Yes, I miss that thing, heh. It was a 1963 Chevy II Nova. I bought it when I was 15 years old, worked on it for a year, and had it done by my 16th birthday. Then I drove it for about 10 months and got creamed by a lady in a honda. The car was totaled. But I made this little 30 second video just to remember it. Check it out here.
  • YM

    Alright, it's almost March and the April 2002 issue of YM magazine is being distributed to subscribers all over the U.S. Why does this matter? Because me and 10 of my friends did a photo shoot with YM last summer and some of us are going to be in it! That's right, a writer from YM (Sara Lyle... who's awesome) flew down from New York, and 2 Photographers drove down from Chicago. All this for me and my buddies: Aaron, DJ, James, Jordan, Mike, Nate, Nick, Travis, Zach, and Zack.

    Why did they do this? Well, apparently YM does an article about 'regular guys', who aren't actors or models or anything, every month. And they always try to do it about different groups of guys, whether it's football players, skateboarders, whatever. Well, Sara …
  • Spanish, Kevin, and Portfolio

    I did a few updates to the site... First of all, I wrote a Spanish Flashcard program for a class at Cornell. It's written in PHP so if you want to check it out you can by clicking here. If you want more info about this program, check out a more detailed description of it in the portfolio section. I also completely redid the portfolio section. I added a couple sites that weren't there before and added a high resolution picture for each website I've made. Click the hi-res link below each description to check them out.

    Probably the most important thing I've added is a picture of Kevin. Go to the pictures section and look at the bottom picture of Kevin. You'll notice that he is holding a case of Mountain Dew... I'll explain. A year and …
  • Premier Snowskates

    Snowskates? They're not skiboards like you might think... they're basically skateboards that you take in the snow. I have been talking to Premier lately and they're letting me demo their product. They sent me JP Walker's model, which is pimp. It's 38 inches long and 8 inches wide, a little longer than a skateboard but a lot shorter than a snowboard. Your feet also don't clip into it in any way, which allows you to do kickflips, shove its and all that. They're not really for going down steep slopes at resorts. More for messing around in your backyard (jibbing), which all of us like to do! heh.

    I'm kinda mad cause we don't have any snow, but i've played around with it in my room, it ollies a lot better than i thought, and manual's …
  • New Design

    What up. If you haven't already noticed, I've redesigned the site. But since it's completely different... you probably noticed. I changed the color scheme from blue, red, and grey to green and grey. Also, the logo at the top loads random pictures... On the home page, it's all pictures of me, and other pages have other random pictures. cool eh? :) Anyway, let me know what you think!
  • Updates

    I added some pictures to the people section, so feel free to check those out. And if you noticed that there has been an error when trying to post comments lately... It's fixed now.

    Also look out for a video coming soon. My roommate (Kevin Switzer) made his first music video, and I got to help out with the production of it. It's pretty cool, I'll feature it on here when it's complete.
  • It has been unveiled

    What is it? If you haven't heard, IT has been talked about since january 10, 2001. No one knew what it was except for a select few, who were sworn to secrecy. All anyone knew is that it was supposed to be some sort of revolution in personal transportation. It was unveiled this morning on "Good Morning America." It is a two wheeled "scooter type" vehicle, but the wheels are on the sides, rather than on the front and rear. The rider also does not need to push off in any way. Just step on, and lean the direction you want to go. It speeds up and slows down the more you lean. What keeps it from tipping over? It contains gyros on the inside that spin around so rapidly, it cannot tip over. It can even stand upright without the rider …
  • microsoft's x-box

    playStation2, GameCube, and X-box.... you know what I think? I think Microsoft can leave this market alone. Why do they need to take over something else? I mean sure, the graphics and things are incredible... but what happens if everyone buys the x-box? There won't be any more diversity or choice, you will have to buy microsoft games and have to play them on a microsoft system. This means all the classics will die.

    I think that sony and nintendo should keep things going. Nintendo has been around since the beginning, NES, SuperNES, N64, and now GameCube. They are all excellent systems, and there are SO many classical games for these systems. Sony came into the picture a little late, but came out with some killer games. They have …
  • frowny face to the max...

    My car got put into the garage for the winter :-(. i took my system out and it's setting in my room, not getting used, poor thing. i guess it's better though because it can't get stolen, and i won't risk ruining my car in the snow.

    One good thing... I got a new snowboard this weekend and I'm ready for the season! I just bought a 99 salomon 154, it came with some really nice salomon freestyle bindings... but I don't have freestyle boots so I stuck my switch bindings on it for now. I can't wait to bust it out this winter! so, I guess it sucks that I have to put my car away... but at the same time, I get to pull out my board. eh, lose one thing and gain another.

    my board n boots
  • I'm a cop

    Ok, so I've come to the conclusion that the little LED lights on my hood are not legal. Pictured here.

    Here's the story... Tonight I was driving out of Subway with my buddy Jeff with my LEDs on. There was a car in front of me who slowed way down, signaled, and pulled off the side of the road... My buddy Jeff starts crackin up and yells Dude! You just pulled someone over!, and then i shut my lights off and drove away...
  • Broox Extreme is up!

    I have my newest site, Broox Extreme up. It is now broox.com (which bumped this to derek.broox.com). I've added it to my portfolio section and gave a breif description of it. Be sure to check it out.

    Other than that, life is going pretty good. I've almost got my car paid for, I'm learning spanish, and i'm single.... sweeeet.
  • URL Update n Stuff!

    There have been quite a few changes to this site. First of all the URL has changed... kinda. To get to this site you have to go to derek.broox.com instead of just broox.com. broox.com is a new project of mine, basically it's going to be a huge extreme sports website. On top of that, I've done some more work to my car and put pictures of it up here. Some pretty big changes actually... And I've also added pictures to the People section. So be sure to check that out as well.
  • Car pictures

    Alright, I updated the Cars section of my website. It now has some decent pictures of the car and a few mods I've made. You might notice that my sub box is a little rustic looking... but that's because i am in the process of building a box for 2 - 12" JLs. Pictures of that will be up as soon as I'm done.

    Do you skateboard, snowboard, inline skate, ride bmx, soap, or ride scooters? If you do any of these things and love doing it... let me know. Comment on this section along with what sport you're part of, and include your email address. This could be huge.
  • NYC - world trade center tragedy

    "HEY. Im still ok. And I will be because Im going to Long Island today to stay there until I can leave. Its weird here....nobody is out on the streets, and this morning we couldnt get to this one building we needed to go to because there were men with machine guns surrounding it. Cops on every corner....but no people on the street. I hate this place and need to get out of here....I'll talk to you tonight. And I miss you."

    As of yesterday, the World Trade center is gone... both buildings. Whoever did this is going down. watership.org for more info.