the second i feel like i'm the biggest oversharer, i see 346 unread tweets from @Vdoritos in my stream.
This is a collection of 19,650 things that my ADHD mind has puked out over the last 18.17 years.
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the second i feel like i'm the biggest oversharer, i see 346 unread tweets from @Vdoritos in my stream.
RT @KCCINews: It's Official, Trader Joe’s Coming To West Des Moines:
standing and working while notorious b.i.g. blares out these psb speakers = productivity... and dancing.
Playing with the newish Twitter for iPhone app... No geolocation yet, huh?
Look at these douchers
Just barely got through a brutal fight with Apache... freakin RewriteRules, haha.
Huh. Apparently Garth Brooks couldn't resist the urge to piss on our lawnchairs. What a nice surprise.
Yer not cookin.
just solved a sweet, sweet geolocation problem for everything on my blog. now... if i just had another holiday to finish and deploy it.
Great night grillin, smokin, and chattin with matthew, Vicki, Anthony, Anna.
Grilling... for 6.
hack, hack, hack.
Writing SQL migrations at 1am on a holiday... Party. Animal.
Commence operation: remove dog hair from house.
Napping always feels like the biggest waste of daytime.
Meeting kari's motorcyclin parents for lunch in Colfax. Piiiiiiizza.
attempting to move a site from rackspace to godaddy. it feels awful... godaddy's UI is the worst thing ever.
Being in bed with this iPad is awesome... But I should really get this day of productivity started.
Car dead? Call Fred.