
This is a collection of 19,681 things that my ADHD mind has puked out over the last 18.28 years.

Check out my latest entries below, some of my top remarks or some things that I love or wish for.


The next 2 weeks are gonna be crazy... Kansas City for Nick's bachelor party, Omaha for @BigOmaha, and San Francisco to kick off the new job

I know its just a quiznos, but it seems a little unprofessional for these franchise guys to be inspecting/critiquing with customers present.

If i have a said it before, mornings with garth brooks suck shit. this is getting really old.

man, i love modeling and massaging data - especially when when it's geo data. but now... i must sleep.

kari just sarcastically said, "these are super stellar lyrics" about all the wu-tang i'm listening to... blasphemous.

totally undecided on my next home-office upgrade. herman miller chair, stand-up desk, or adjustable height desk... someone convince me, pls.

i feel like i'm doing something completely wrong every time i do it... but i totally use gmail as a wiki/notebook. sooo many saved drafts.

It kinda sucks being the first person at the office when you leave your office key in your wife's car...

Hmm. I think I found a wasp nest while pressure washing this deck. Hoping they aren't too pissed at me...

Kari is on some sort of weird casserole making Marathon. First, green bean casserole, now tater tot casserole...