
This is a collection of 19,682 things that my ADHD mind has puked out over the last 18.28 years.

Check out my latest entries below, some of my top remarks or some things that I love or wish for.


That cab ride was hilarious. Cabbie was soooo worrried about running outta gas. He had a gas light on for miles.

Josh n friends bailed on us. Running around mpls with kari n tara. Anyone else here? And out?

hey android friends, check out my new android app. search the market for "harper reed" or "harper soundboard" ;)

Just finished and signed my 1st (incredibly dumb) android app while kari drives to MN. Submitting it to the market as soon as I have wifi

just installed silverlight on kari's laptop. it feels all tainted now. but this ridiculous US hockey is worth it!

Waking up today did not go nearly as smoothly as yesterday. Absolutely ready for the weekend though! Snowboarding!

whoa! android dev totally got away from me. ...it feels pretty awesome to stay up late working on fun stuff. i need to get back into that.