This is a collection of 19,606 things that my ADHD mind has puked out over the last 17.97 years.
Check out my latest entries below, some of my top remarks or some things that I love or wish for.
Car #1 is leaving.
Just gave kari my iphone til I can get her 3g fixed, ha. She was not very happy with me for breaking her sidekick data, haha.
It's like Christmas morning over here. Can't sleep! Ready to head north for bockfest.
man. this dude updated his firmware before selling me this iphone... to a version that is not able to be unlocked/downgraded yet. owned.
Just picked up a new iPhone for kari. ...A little pissed that she has a nicer phone than me.
does anyone have a minivan or 3 row SUV i can borrow for the weekend?
Tradin Kelsey rose a sandwich for my keys.
sweet mother of unnecessary.
That beer with red turned out to be quite a night. I lost my keys somewhere along the way. So if you have em, call. My dogtag is on the side
Ah geez. Home after 3am on a weeknight. My keys are lost and I'm wearing kelsey rose's slap bracelet coozie.
4th st Italian beef! Amazing.
Well i'll be gol dangit. It's a weeknight!
So, if y'all weren't aware, liars club has a "college night" just like mickey's... but with way better music.
Why am I downtown? Ha (@ Liars Club) foursquare.com/...964a520045326e3
Got my android "hello world" app off the ground. short.to/16wi7 Time for a beer with red and that girl who cut my hair today
oh man. just installed eclipse and started playing with java again. i don't know how i feel about this.
i just got code reviewed, ha. i love code reviews. now my veggie craving wife is sending me IM requests to stir fry her up some vegetables.
Everyone hates my wallpaper. - Photo: bkite.com/36mgz
Last night I dreamt that there was grass on the ground... and we could see it. It was really nice and green.