Blackberry users, version 1.5.5 is now live! (it will auto-update when you open). See what's new: foursquare.tumb...-the-blackberry (via @foursquare)
This is a collection of 19,682 things that my ADHD mind has puked out over the last 18.29 years.
Check out my latest entries below, some of my top remarks or some things that I love or wish for.
Blackberry users, version 1.5.5 is now live! (it will auto-update when you open). See what's new: foursquare.tumb...-the-blackberry (via @foursquare)
Helmets acquired. Ready to do some slightly safer snowboarding. - Photo:
Opening your eyes a split second before your "I'm the shit" alarm goes off is incredibly satisfying... And the sun is even up early too!
I wish I was laying in bed reading google reader on an ipad.
i really like listening live dj mixes - until the doucher club-hype-man gets on the mic and starts yelling "LAAADIIIIEES! MUSIC! HEY!"
Wifey wanted sushi, but was too scared to leave the house on her sick day, haha... - Photo:
Incredibly productive day... still cuttin it pretty close on this project.
an old, old site my college roommate made, haha... RT @harper: @KevinSwitzer @broox aren't you guys glad i rescued ?
1:25 on. out of control. RT @MarshallBarnes: AM had just killed it then is was jeffs turn and my god this is ridiculous
my skin hates me.
i really dislike java and eclipse. goin to grab "a beer" with red and diverse.
opening up eclipse again. hoping to get a start on an android app. i need a new phone.
productive day - til my boss showed me a litter of chocolate labs ready to pick up.
this is reason enough to move your savings to smartypig. i think i'll do just that tonight! RT @SmartyPig We're dropping support for IE6.
profile pictures that consist of your child or your significant other are douchey... just sayin. ;)
@AJBombers (Milwaukee burgers!) sales up 30% since adding 4SQ special! (via @foursquare)
I dreamt of bad html and templating. It sucked. I'm sleepy.
happy birthday @hiromiusagi!
Missing child amber alert with the suspect in a black mitsubishi... I'm sure glad I don't have that car anymore...
I sorta wish cargo pants were cool, haha. I gots way too much stuff in my pockets!