back to the office for a bit, then off to the dsmwebgeeks meetup.
This is a collection of 19,656 things that my ADHD mind has puked out over the last 18.19 years.
Check out my latest entries below, some of my top remarks or some things that I love or wish for.
back to the office for a bit, then off to the dsmwebgeeks meetup.
headin home so i can DD my GF and her BFs to NKOTB. WTF.
@djdiverse check out tweetie, i've heard good things.
quick lunch at subway. lots of work to do today.
just used a dustpan to scrape the snow and ice off my truck. headin to work
finally home. kinda worn out. wishing i had a sunday to relax, ha.
whew. got jeff's basement wired, insulated, and mostly walled. showering. eating pizza, then heading back to dsm.
whoops, got caught up working and did not leave cedar rapids in time. guess i am missing broomball.
back to work on the basement. hopefully get a couple panels hung before headin home.
bed time hoot.
i am horrible at tame weekends.
@germanation punks, i am jealous. wish i could get over there.
a day of manual labor felt good. oin to get some big ol steaks and celebrate jeff's birthday.
havin a dunkel. admiring our work.
wiring and insulating jeff's basement. woooooo. gettin closer
bedtime yoseph. much worj to do tomorrow.
halfway to CR. a bit jealous of my friends partying in iowa city tonight.
finishing up dinner at vicki's. headin to CR soon.
the desert plugin just owned me, big time. haha. *punches face*
oh yeah, check out - i thew that up last night for @djdiverse