Saturday, October 10, 2020

I slept 7.92 hours, checked in to 3 places, took 19 photos, and walked 4.12 miles. I was in Ankeny, Nevada, Des Moines, and Alleman, Iowa.

8:10 am

Woke up after sleeping 7.92 hours

11:09 am

It's attic time.

11:28 am

Dogbone splice. Bout to dress up these wires.

12:00 pm

Adding some low-profile down lights to the front of the house

12:06 pm

Just added these accent lights to the front of the house.

3:15 pm

Popped into Firetrucker and saw this photo of Dan. It hit kinda hard. He was quite a dude.

3:19 pm

Checked in at Firetrucker Brewery, Ankeny, Iowa

3:36 pm

Checked in at Waterfront Seafood Market, Ankeny, Iowa

3:47 pm

Got some sushi to eat for Kari's birthday

3:52 pm

Birthday girl

4:15 pm

Checked in at The Reynolds Project, Nevada, Iowa

4:53 pm

Birthday stuff in Nevada

6:28 pm

Rural suburbian sunset

6:28 pm

Rural suburbian sunset

6:34 pm

Jeff is goin through stuff

7:47 pm

Sushi time

7:48 pm


8:02 pm

Bout to crack open some sake that we brought back from Kofu

8:03 pm

Birthday sake from Kofu, Yamanashi

8:05 pm

Ready to pour that Sake

8:05 pm

Oh yeah

8:06 pm


8:37 pm

Facetiming with Vic and Chris
October 10, 2020