Monday, October 11, 2010

I checked in to 12 places, took 30 photos, and wrote 8 microblogs. I was in Kerry and Clare, Ireland.

2:46 am

@cedriccollins nice photos. That is a pretty rad, random trip.

4:30 am

Checked in at Topaz, Killarney, Kerry, Ireland

4:32 am

Onto doolin!

5:32 am

Checked in at Spar Express, Listowel, Kerry, Ireland

6:10 am

Checked in at Tarbert Car Ferry, Tarbert, Kerry, Ireland

6:10 am

Checked in at Tarbert Ferry, Tarbert, Kerry, Ireland

6:39 am

Taking the Shannon Ferry toward Doolin

6:42 am

I'm on a boat and... I'm in my car and...

7:22 am

Checked in at Coffey's Cafe, Kilrush, Clare, Ireland

8:59 am

Cliffs of Moher

9:01 am

Cliffs of Moher

9:03 am

Kari and I at the Cliffs of Moher
1 comment

9:03 am

At the Cliffs of Moher
1 comment

9:10 am

Cliffs of Moher
1 comment

9:11 am

At the Cliffs of Moher
1 comment

9:25 am

About to break the rules

9:28 am

A huge rock sticking out the water that I thought looked like a dude wearing a fancy hat

9:35 am

Wifey at the cliffs of Moher
1 comment

9:36 am

At the Cliffs of Moher

9:37 am

Forbidden trails at the Cliffs of Moher

9:41 am

Cliffs of Moher
1 comment

9:41 am

Fields from the trails at the Cliffs of Moher

9:42 am

Wifey and I at the Cliffs of Moher

9:43 am

Another pic of us... at the Cliffs of Moher

9:47 am

Standing on the ledge of the cliffs of moher.

9:49 am

Another shot of us at the Cliffs of Moher, but this time, we're sitting in the irish grass!
1 comment

9:50 am

Forbidden trails at the Cliffs of Moher

10:48 am

Checked in at Churchfields B&B, Killilagh, Clare, Ireland

11:03 am

Doolin countryside and the Doonagore Castle

11:12 am

Taking a break to have a pint outside Gus O'Connor's Pub

11:14 am

Havin a pint outside Gus O'Connors

11:16 am

Checked in at O'Connors Bar, Killilagh, Clare, Ireland

11:16 am

Checked in at Gus O'Connor's Pub, Killilagh, Clare, Ireland

12:10 pm

Kari driving!
1 comment

12:11 pm

Kari just worked up the courage to drive. Eep!

12:26 pm

Checked in at Churchfields B&B, Killilagh, Clare, Ireland

1:45 pm

Checked in at McDermott's Pub, Killilagh, Clare, Ireland

1:47 pm

Guinness foam mustache at dinner

2:57 pm

Checked in at McGann's Pub & Restaurant, Killilagh, Clare, Ireland

3:04 pm

The view from my barstool at McGann's pub in Doolin

3:10 pm

Just had lamb roast that came with fries, mashed and baked potatoes, ha. Now, listening to some traditional Irish music in a tiny pub.

4:03 pm

Live traditional Irish music
1 comment

4:09 pm

An awesome set of decorations at McGann's in Doolin

4:19 pm

Player's Please

5:03 pm

Another Guinness mustache

5:13 pm

In case any of you were wondering...
1 comment

5:15 pm

Pouring Kari's first brandy and port

5:59 pm

The other Americans out here are really, really embarrassing. :(

6:07 pm

Checked in at Churchfields B&B, Killilagh, Clare, Ireland

9:24 pm

Another wall style urinal...
October 11, 2010