Thursday, October 21, 2010

I checked in to 5 places, took 19 photos, and wrote 6 microblogs. I was in Urbandale, Des Moines, and Ankeny, Iowa.

12:04 am

More Jameson

12:12 am

Skull Cigs

12:16 am

Troy noticing Red's sweet cheeks

12:16 am

Gettin gay

12:36 am

I like to think of evil dudes drinking out of straws and solo cups

12:40 am

Halloween Party Decor

12:44 am

So I tripped and landed on some sharp things... didn't notice the blood til like 15 mins later.

12:52 am

Keg stand time

12:53 am

Troy's Kegstand

12:54 am

Diverse Kegstand

12:54 am

Dr Aaron kegstand

12:55 am

Army Kegstand

12:55 am

Dannie Kegstand

12:56 am

Germ Kegstand

12:56 am

Germ, breakdancing on the keg...
1 comment

12:57 am

Bleacher Bum Kegstand

12:58 am

Greek Kegstand

12:58 am

Kegstands are the most ridiculous thing in the universe. Glad I've never done one.
1 comment

1:49 am

Checked in at The G Spot, Urbandale, Iowa

1:51 am

Checked in at Liars Club, Des Moines, Iowa

2:01 am

Welp, gotta make a stop at Liars before heading home

3:19 am

Hired drivers? Win.
1 comment

10:25 am

It's hard to wake up on time when you turn off your alarm and sleep on top of it.

12:40 pm

If I was a flower buyin kinda dude, I think flowers would be in order today.

12:41 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

1:19 pm

Checked in at Jimmy John's, Ankeny, Iowa

1:25 pm

wtf is this thing?

1:28 pm

1:46 pm

Checked in at The Broox Household, Ankeny, Iowa

2:15 pm

Just put the RodriguezStyle rom on my nexus over lunch. It is insane.

October 21, 2010