Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I checked in to 12 places, took 38 photos, and wrote 6 microblogs. I was in Ireland and The United Kingdom.

12:42 am

MotionX is a pretty sweet app on the plane.

1:20 am

Sunrise from 35,000 feet

1:43 am

Sunrise from 35,000 feet

1:48 am

MotionX also makes a pretty good geologger for geotagging external photos

3:18 am

Checked in at Dublin Airport (DUB), Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland

3:22 am

DUB steppin! First order of business: attempt to find dewskis and ipad sim cards. Second order of business: drink Guinness.
1 comment

4:48 am

Checked in at Trinity Captial Hotel, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

4:48 am

Checked in at Trinity Capital Hotel, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

5:34 am

Checked in at O2 Grafton Street, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

5:46 am

K, no dewskis. I suppose Guinness will suffice.
1 comment

5:54 am

Walking to Guinness

5:58 am

Checked in at Guinness Storehouse, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

6:09 am

Looking up the giant pint glass in the Guinness storehouse

6:16 am

The grain was pretty neat for people, ha. lots of photos of people with handfuls were happening.

6:19 am

Brewers are precious about their water

6:20 am

Guinness Tour

6:33 am

Cask Making is ridiculous

6:33 am

Pipes in the old Guinness Storehouse

6:45 am

Various Guinness Bottles

6:59 am

Kari learning how to pour a perfect pint of Guinness
1 comment

7:00 am

Cascading Guinness

7:02 am

View from the 4th floor of the Guinness Storehouse

7:04 am

A pint of Guinness poured by Kari

7:06 am

Kari enjoying her pint of Guinness

7:34 am

Guinness, Beef n Guinness stew, and a bit of Guinness bread
1 comment

8:05 am

Lunch at Guinness. Just had some Guinness bread along with some beef n Guinness stew... Both washed down with a pint of Guinness.

8:15 am

Kari, taking a break to check in on her birthday messages.

8:21 am

Dublin, from the Guinness Gravity bar

8:22 am

Looking over Phoenix park and the Wellington monument from the Gravity bar

8:24 am

Havin a Guinness at the gravity bar

8:26 am

Dublin from the Guinness Gravity bar

8:26 am

Guinness gravity bar

8:37 am

Looking out at Dublin

8:38 am

Looking toward the mountains from the Guinness gravity bar

8:40 am

This is the 9000 year lease that Arthur Guinness signed, heh

9:13 am

All sorts of crazy flat panel video displays on the way out of Guinness

9:26 am

Waiting for a bus after the Guinness tour

9:49 am

Checked in at Trinity Captial Hotel, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

9:49 am

Checked in at Trinity Capital Hotel, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

9:53 am

prrrretty sure I'm the only dude in Ireland wearing a new era hat.
1 comment

2:32 pm

Takin wifey out for some fancy birthday dinner.

2:42 pm

Fire - the place we had dinner for Kari's birthday

2:46 pm

Checked in at Fire Restaurant, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

3:28 pm

Having a birthday martini

3:29 pm

Birthday dinner
1 comment

4:15 pm

Inside Fire

5:27 pm

Checked in at Cafe en Seine, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

5:27 pm

Checked in at Café en Seine, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

5:28 pm

At Cafe en Siene

5:29 pm

Having a Carlsberg at Cafe en Siene

5:49 pm

At Cafe en Siene
1 comment

5:57 pm

Cafe en Siene
1 comment

6:51 pm

The entrance to Trinity College

7:01 pm

Checked in at Trinity Captial Hotel, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

7:01 pm

Checked in at Trinity Capital Hotel, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

7:38 pm

Whew. Winding down from a solid first day of vacation. Happy birthday to that amazing gf of mine. Sleeeeepy.

October 6, 2010