Saturday, October 9, 2010

I checked in to 8 places, took 39 photos, and wrote 6 microblogs. I was in Kilkenny, Tipperary, Kerry, and Cork, Ireland.

2:43 am

Dear weather channel, please make your iPad app not crash every time I open it.

4:20 am

Ireland skate stoppers are serious business

4:24 am

Inside St Canice's Cathedral

4:27 am

Ceiling of St Canice's Cathedral

4:31 am

Inside St Canice's Cathedral

4:32 am

I think it'd be pretty rad to have a pipe organ someday

4:36 am

Inside St Canice's Cathedral

4:38 am

Crazy wood carvings at St Canice's cathedral

4:49 am

Checked in at St Canice's Cathedral, Kilkenny, Kilkenny, Ireland

4:51 am

St Canice's Cathedral, Kilkenny

5:05 am

St Catherine's Church, Kilkenny

5:11 am

Abbey lodge and Kilkenny were nice, great host, great town... Onto Killarney.

5:20 am

A lot of the roads in Ireland are walled with plants and completely blind

5:38 am

Checked in at Amber, Tubbridbrittain, Kilkenny, Ireland

6:11 am

Driving around the Irish countryside in a tiny car listening to gangsta rap is an amazing thing.

6:22 am

Checked in at Rock of Cashel, Cashel, Tipperary, Ireland

6:35 am

Inside the Rock of Cashel

6:39 am

Inside the Rock of Cashel

6:41 am

I liked the face on this wall at the Rock of Cashel

6:42 am

Inside the Rock of Cashel

6:42 am

Celtic Cross gravestone at the Rock of Cashel

6:44 am

Kari and I
1 comment

6:45 am

Looking out at another cathedral/fort from the Rock of Cashel

6:46 am

The Rock of Cashel

6:47 am

Gravestone at the Rock of Cashel

6:49 am

Gravestones and The Rock of Cashel

6:57 am

The Rock of Cashel

8:02 am

Checked in at Cahir Castle, Caher, Tipperary, Ireland

8:03 am

Cahir Castle

8:07 am

Courtyard of Cahir Castle

8:11 am

Castle Gate at Cahir Castle

8:19 am

Canonball stuck in the side of Cahir Castle

8:29 am

skull of the extinct Irish Elk/Giant Deer

8:32 am

River from one of the Cahir Castle towers

8:32 am

Cahir Castle courtyard

8:41 am

Looking into Cahir from one of the Castle towers

8:46 am

Pulleys to lower the gate at Cahir Castle

8:52 am

Cahir Castle (and the village in the background)

8:55 am

Cahir Castle courtyard entrance

8:56 am

Someday I would like a moat as well

9:28 am

Our car, Hyundai i10

9:34 am


9:36 am

Ireland countryside

9:42 am

Driving in Ireland

9:45 am

This stuck tractor was a bit of a problem

10:00 am

Driving in Ireland is a blast. For real. Curves!

11:07 am

Checked in at Chelmsford House, Killarney, Kerry, Ireland

11:39 am

@Turbo why do you think android os is crap? Also, what hardware?

1:13 pm

Checked in at Hannigan's, Killarney, Kerry, Ireland

2:24 pm

Checked in at Sheehan's Traditional Pub, Killarney, Kerry, Ireland

4:31 pm

Traditional Irish Music at Sheehan's in Killarney

4:50 pm

Checked in at Chelmsford House, Killarney, Kerry, Ireland

5:27 pm

"I saw a ferrari and a homeless guy on the same street. that's not very nice, is it?" -an Irishman telling me about his 1st visit to the US

October 9, 2010