Monday, October 20, 2008

I wrote 11 microblogs.

9:56 am

portishead and programming.

1:46 pm

ever since i got this blackberry, a lot of people have had to later ask me if i got their text or not. the answer is no alot.
1 comment

4:51 pm

about to embark on importing data from a horribly, horribly modeled mysql db into my beautifully modeled rails app.

5:08 pm

headin to johnston for a broomball meeting.

6:24 pm

@harper work from home tomorrow around the time they tried to deliver it today.

6:41 pm

leavin the broomball meeting, headin to the dsm web meetup

6:53 pm

filled up for under $60! with 93 octane!

7:34 pm

drupal seems like a pretty crazy piece of software, though i would probably never use it... well, maybe for the broomball site...

8:11 pm

inkscape is also neat. headin back to ankeny for foooood.
1 comment

9:02 pm

at benchwarmers with nathan, ando, n chuck

10:44 pm

that was a pretty fun/social night. i think im gonna go straight to bed without even looking at my computer. omg!

October 20, 2008