Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I slept 3.72 hours, checked in to 2 places, took 22 photos, wrote 6 microblogs, walked 5.69 miles, and weighed 180.1 pounds. I was in Chicago, Illinois.

12:09 am

I've worked 48 of the past 64 hours, and I'll be back at work in less than 6 hours from now... What a crazy, crazy ride this has been.
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12:13 am

Went to bed

12:41 am

Fell asleep

4:42 am

Woke up after sleeping 3.72 hours

5:24 am

Game day

5:29 am

It's crazy how justifiable things become once you realize that what you're doing is for the President of the United States of America.

5:35 am

Checked in at Obama 2012 Campaign HQ, Chicago, Illinois

6:03 am


6:12 am

Election Day sunrise from OFA HQ

6:35 am

Election Day sunrise from OFA HQ

7:03 am

Calm before the storm

11:54 am

Monitoring apps over lunch from Manny's

3:08 pm

Friends! I've put the past 15 months of my life into this day. Do me the biggest favor ever and please at least go vote! <3

3:30 pm

Winning with DevOps

5:12 pm

Voter Team in the Boiler Room on election day

7:36 pm

A quick martini break with Kari

8:25 pm

A milli. A milli. A milli. A milli. A milli. A milli. A milli. A milli. A milli. A milli. A milli. A milli.

8:44 pm

Boiler room

9:04 pm


9:34 pm

West coast polls are almost closed

10:09 pm

Trolley to the rally

10:13 pm

The mood, the things we built, this whole day. So positive. So amazing. Onto the rally to meet my wife!

10:22 pm

We did it.

10:24 pm

Checked in at Obama Victory Rally, Chicago, Illinois

10:35 pm

To the rally

11:12 pm


11:17 pm

Photo by Nicole Sutherland

11:18 pm

Drea, Nicole and Kari

11:19 pm

Photo by Nicole Sutherland
1 comment

11:30 pm

IMG_2362 Photo by Clint James Ecker

11:30 pm

IMG_2365. Photo by Clint James Ecker

11:55 pm


11:59 pm

Romney concedes
November 6, 2012