Thursday, November 23, 2017

I checked in to 2 places, took 40 photos, wrote 3 microblogs, and walked 6.12 miles. I was in Des Moines, Iowa.

12:54 am

Checked in at Big Tomato Pizza Co., Des Moines, Iowa

1:10 am

This pizza place I'm at is straight blaring the Far Beyond Driven album... which is taking me back to whipping around town in my Celica in 97.

1:27 am

Checked in at Brooks' Dead End Ranch, Des Moines, Iowa

11:20 am

Startin with the old school apps

11:20 am

The ol Braunschweiger Ball

11:20 am

It's like we're not about to eat a giant meal

11:26 am

Kari and her appetizers, haha

11:39 am

Relaxin with a fire rollin

11:54 am

Elizabeth had a rad dress on

12:56 pm

Jaxon terrorizing Ian

1:30 pm

Ridin the scooters

1:38 pm

Elizabeth decides to try the scooter with heels and a dress on

1:41 pm

Pre-dinner scooter races

1:57 pm

Sherry and Mom cookin up some foods

1:58 pm

Elias gettin down on some games

1:58 pm

Ian measuring the temperature of everything
1 comment

2:04 pm

Ham time

2:07 pm

Turkey fryin

2:22 pm

Rod pulls the Turkey

2:24 pm

Rod n Jon tend to the turkey

2:39 pm

Mama Teresa helpin out with the turkey carving

2:40 pm

Learnin some things from Manuel's mom

2:44 pm

Ready to eat

3:05 pm

Dishin up some food

3:08 pm

Thanksgiving toast

3:08 pm

Thanksgiving toast

3:09 pm

Here we go

3:09 pm

The crew for our first Thanksgiving

3:42 pm

Thanks a lot

4:02 pm

Thanksgiving table cloth

4:07 pm

Elias gettin down on some nintendo

4:31 pm

Thanksgiving crew

4:32 pm

Jeff thought I was taking his photo when I was reviewing the previous photos... so I just started snappin

4:32 pm


4:33 pm

More Jeff

4:33 pm

And one more pose

5:12 pm

Post dinner cigars

5:44 pm

Thankful to have family from Venezuela. This is the best rum I have ever had.
1 comment

5:47 pm

Kari's fam is pretty good at making pies... I shoulda grabbed a pic before we dug in

7:06 pm

Kickin off some intense foosball

7:11 pm


8:05 pm

Jaxon had a great time eating foosballs and everything else he could get his mouth on

8:05 pm

A very awkward photo

8:31 pm

People that cannot train their dogs make me explode

8:51 pm

I won the first 2 games. He came back to win the best of 5.
November 23, 2017