Sunday, August 28, 2011

I checked in to 10 places, took 5 photos, and wrote 9 microblogs. I was in Chicago and Schaumburg, Illinois.

12:17 am

Checked in at Debonair Social Club, Chicago, Illinois

1:43 am

Oh man. This party is gonna be good.
1 comment

1:58 am

Warehouse party

2:03 am

Well that was my first time using a restroom that was shorter than I was.

2:19 am

Warehouse Club

2:54 am

Warehouse Club

2:59 am

A rad old Tony Hawk deck
1 comment

3:23 am

Art on the side of a building

3:46 am

@Turbo you're batshit crazy! I'm just getting home and you're about to do ironman. You're the only dude I know who could do this. Kill it!

3:48 am

I feel like I have always gotten to experience parts of Chicago that not many people get to experience... and that is amazing.

3:54 am

Checked in at The Broox Supporter Household, Chicago, Illinois

10:35 am

Checked in at Subway, Chicago, Illinois

10:38 am

Checked in at CTA - Sedgwick, Chicago, Illinois

10:47 am

Checked in at CTA - Fullerton (Red, Brown, Purple), Chicago, Illinois

10:56 am

Man. How did people use cta before google maps transit?? Thanks again, google
1 comment

11:18 am

Checked in at Jon and Liz's, Chicago, Illinois

11:51 am

Hanging drywall in trade for use of a truck, ha. It's kinda fun that I get to work on things in the city.

1:39 pm

Checked in at Wendy's, Chicago, Illinois

1:46 pm

Running around picking up random craigslist furniture with piazza. Today is hilarious.

2:32 pm

Checked in at The Container Store, Chicago, Illinois

6:05 pm

Checked in at IKEA, Schaumburg, Illinois

9:32 pm

Driving around in a single cab truck with 3 dudes and 2 cats, haha. This adventure is almost complete.

10:39 pm

Checked in at The Broox Supporter Household, Chicago, Illinois

10:43 pm

Wow. Today has been the exact opposite of relaxing. Moving (and helping roommates move) is so much work... Totally need another weekend day.

August 28, 2011