Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I checked in to 3 places, took 1 photo, and wrote 4 microblogs. I was in Chicago, Illinois.

8:55 am

There was a time, about 5 years ago where I didn't believe Macs could be good software dev machines... It's pretty funny to think about now.
1 comment

9:06 am

Checked in at CTA - Sedgwick, Chicago, Illinois

9:09 am

@tdroll maybe wait a month to see what the iPhone does...

9:39 am

Checked in at One Prudential Plaza, Chicago, Illinois

3:49 pm

Currently having one of those moments where I can't decide which playlist would be the most therapeutic. "best chill" or "best metal"

7:44 pm

Hookah smoking caterpillar

8:07 pm

Sharing a 6 pack with nick while putting our new rooms together... Stoked to have my own space.

9:40 pm

Checked in at Jerry's Sandwiches, Chicago, Illinois

August 31, 2011