Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I checked in to 7 places, took 3 photos, and wrote 4 microblogs. I was in Chicago, Illinois.

8:20 am

"Exceeded budget for Restaurants" - thanks, Mint... I have a feeling that's going to be the case for a while now.
1 comment

8:55 am

Checked in at Subway, Chicago, Illinois

8:58 am

Checked in at CTA - Sedgwick, Chicago, Illinois

12:38 pm

Checked in at 65 Restaurant, Chicago, Illinois

7:10 pm

A tiny bean

7:20 pm

Checked in at MDA Rooftop, Chicago, Illinois

7:54 pm

Rooftop party

8:17 pm

Rooftop party

9:46 pm

Checked in at La Pasadita, Chicago, Illinois

10:14 pm

Checked in at CTA - Clark/Lake (Orange/Pink/Green/Purple/Brown/Blue), Chicago, Illinois

10:26 pm

@jeffrey @mg cosign.

10:29 pm

Welp. The carpets are definitely clean... and still soaked. Guess I'll set the new room up tomorrow.

10:38 pm

Checked in at The Broox Supporter Household, Chicago, Illinois

10:39 pm

Also. I saw a dude on a motorcycle slide through an intersection on his side today. That was kinda scary.

August 30, 2011