Friday, July 14, 2017

I checked in to 3 places, took 10 photos, wrote 2 microblogs, and walked 1.90 miles. I was in Iowa and Illinois.

6:30 am

The 2 things I count on at @dsmairport are short lines and Diet Mountain Dew ... and they're outta goddamn Diet Mountain Dew.

6:30 am

Checked in at Des Moines International Airport (DSM), Des Moines, Iowa

6:31 am

Whew. Saved by a vending machine at DSM airport.

9:02 am

Checked in at Chicago O'Hare International Airport (ORD), Rosemont, Illinois

9:30 am


9:38 am

Harper got me upgraded to business class from O'Hare to Tokyo which got me into the Polaris lounge. It was very fancy

9:56 am

Brekkie in the O'hare Polaris Lounge

10:05 am

Chillin in the O'hare Polaris Lounge

10:09 am

Checked in at United Polaris Lounge, Rosemont, Illinois

12:16 pm

International business class is very fancy. I dunno if I belong here, but it feels good, man.

1:50 pm

Sat down in business class and was offered Italian wine, nuts, and a sparkling water.

2:11 pm

For dinner I had a Japanese sampler while I watched the Lego movie. This was course 1.

2:31 pm

Japanese sampler course 2.

2:47 pm

After dinner they served some cheeses and grapes with port.

3:14 pm

And after the cheeses and wines they came around with a cart and freshly made-to-order ice cream sundaes. I was so full.
July 14, 2017