This hotel we're staying at is the most fragrant hotel to ever be frangranced in the history of hotels
Payments in Indonesia are very complex.. The fourth most populated country in the world. ~40% have bank accounts. 2% have credit/bank cards.
Checked in at Pasar Santa, South Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Checked in at Lippo Mall Kemang, South Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Checked in at Kafe Betawi, South Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Checked in at The Dharmawangsa Hotel, South Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Packing up after a productive last day in Jakarta. Leaving with a new respect for Indonesia and am stoked to see what we find in Bangkok.
Checked in at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (CGK) (Bandar Udara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta), Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
My buddy Ivan's ~3 year old daughter has renamed me, "Mr Brickles"
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