Thursday, July 27, 2017

I checked in to 4 places, took 24 photos, and wrote 4 microblogs. I was in Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand.

12:00 am

Bangkok tuk tuks are the best tuk tuks I have ever seen

1:53 am

Checked in at Erawan Tea Room, Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

2:01 am

Checked in at Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel, Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

8:39 am

Awesome people !!! Photo by Safe Pojpat

9:25 am

Goin for a ride in one of those Bangkok Tuk Tuks

9:34 am

Tuk Tukkin with Binny Bhatia. I can't remember if this was before or after he almost got into a fight with a cabbie

9:46 am

Checked in at Brown Sugar, Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

9:50 am

Live music at Brown Sugar

10:15 am

Havin some Singha snackin on good food and listening to jazz music at Brown Sugar with the Bhatia brothers

11:06 am

Slammin a beer with the Bhatia Bros

11:10 am

This dude running around with us had the hugest phone battery.

12:06 pm

Tonight, we met the Bhatia brothers. They were insane, hilarious, and showed us a great time in Bangkok.

8:38 pm

Whew, no meetings for a minute. Goin explorin in Thailand.

9:18 pm

Selling produce at the floating markets of Bangkok

9:22 pm

The floating markets of Bangkok

9:23 pm

Grillin up some fish at the floating markets in Bangkok

9:27 pm

Checked in at Taling Chan Floating Market (ตลาดน้ำตลิ่งชัน), Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

9:33 pm

Some super fresh seafood at the floating markets

9:39 pm

Havin a delicious lunch at the floating markets with PanJ

10:08 pm

PanJ, a CTO for a tour guide startup, showed us a really good time

10:19 pm

The boats that navigate the canals have these huge, pivoting car engines with props on the end of their driveshafts

10:27 pm

"long legs in the front!" Harper and I were just told as we board this boat

10:31 pm

Cruisin down these canals

10:41 pm

Canal taxi

10:43 pm

A decorated boat coming down the canal in Bangkok

10:47 pm

At one point we were given bread to throw out to the catfish. It was insane... and kind of weird and gross, really

10:53 pm

There were lots of animals near the temples. Apparently when people don't want their animals anymore, they drop them off because the monks will care for them.

10:54 pm

Outside a buddhist temple that we got to check out on our tour

10:56 pm

The temples were very ornate. Beautiful

11:11 pm

A canal boat driver pivots the engine/prop around to maneuver the boat in the narrow canals

11:13 pm

"Oh looook, they're feeding the catfis- SHIIIIIIIIIIT"

11:33 pm

After the boat ride, PanJ told us that he always gets a pork skewer from this woman. They were very good
July 27, 2017