Sunday, July 30, 2017

I checked in to 11 places and took 18 photos. I was in Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.

12:23 am


12:24 am

Havin a lil Pepsi Refresh Shot

12:26 am

Gettin saucy

12:30 am

The nerd district
1 comment

12:33 am

Nerd district

12:36 am

Checked in at GiGO (秋葉原GiGO), Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

1:44 am

Checked in at Glorious Chain Café, Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

2:00 am

Hangin with Yusuke Koishi

3:14 am

Checked in at GYRE, Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

3:46 am

This street was insane

4:04 am

Checked in at Grand Hyatt Tokyo (グランド ハイアット 東京), Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

7:52 am

Checked in at Warayakiya (わらやき屋), Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

9:10 am

Checked in at solfa, Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

10:09 am

Some of the alleys in Tokyo have these tiny, tiny bars. They were pretty rad

10:17 am

Checked in at CURVA, Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

10:17 am

Havin a beer at a tiny bar in Shibuya. This is the entire place.

10:26 am

Hangin at this tiny Shibuya bar with some rad folks

11:26 am

Checked in at Grand Hyatt Tokyo (グランド ハイアット 東京), Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

8:07 pm

Bout to drive these things around the streets of Tokyo

8:15 pm

Hangin with Elise and her crew

8:59 pm

Part of the game is dressing up... This American flag tank and red headband seemed fitting.

9:15 pm

Just a nurse, a sailor, and an american boy driving around the streets of Tokyo on these go-karts.

9:19 pm

Being in traffic was a little alarming. I accidentally cut off a box truck like that shortly after this photo was taken. He was not happy.

9:25 pm

Lost in Tokyo ... nbd

9:52 pm

Tokyo Karting with Elise and Harper

10:05 pm

Checked in at AkibaCart (アキバカート), Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

10:33 pm

Checked in at 元祖食品サンプル屋 合羽橋ショールーム, Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

11:46 pm

Checked in at プロパック かっぱ橋店, Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

11:59 pm

Sushi for lunch. I think this was all like $10. It was very good.
July 30, 2017