Sunday, August 12, 2018

I checked in to 8 places, took 7 photos, wrote 1 microblog, and walked 3.21 miles. I was in Canada and The United States.

7:06 am

Cabin tech

8:28 am

The bunk rooms

8:42 am

Divvying up the week's catch

8:55 am

The kitchen

8:56 am

And the living room

9:12 am

Our flight home arrives

9:46 am

Flyin back to the outfitter

9:55 am

Checked in at Mattice Lake Outfitters, Armstrong, Ontario, Canada

12:19 pm

Checked in at Shell, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

12:21 pm

Checked in at McDonald's, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

12:43 pm

Carried a bunch of liquids and knives onto a plane, flew to the middle of nowhere while riding shotgun, and caught a bunch of fish. I'm now back on the grid and omw back home. 👋

1:58 pm

Checked in at Super America, Grand Marais, Minnesota

4:20 pm

Checked in at Holiday Station Store, Duluth, Minnesota

7:39 pm

Checked in at Casey's General Store, Medford, Minnesota

8:56 pm

Checked in at Mason City Municipal Airport (MCW), Mason City, Iowa

11:36 pm

Checked in at Brooks' Dead End Ranch, Des Moines, Iowa

August 12, 2018