Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I took 1 photo and wrote 8 microblogs. I was in Des Moines, Iowa.

8:24 am

i love that my dell doesnþ boot when certain usb devices are plugged into it.

9:20 am

so i washed my beard with that tingly mint shampoo... and now my face feels just as awesome as it looks. today is gonna be a good day.
1 comment

11:53 am


1:16 pm

serious conversations (that involve whiteboard drawings) about video games crack me up.

1:48 pm

using kari's jethro's giftcard with bob. BBQ!

1:54 pm

BBQ at Jethro's

8:06 pm

have a leinenkugel's 1888 bock for supper.

8:09 pm

@harper haha, i thought i was weird for liking my dirty earring smell. i am not alone!

10:13 pm

@right65 perfect, haha. i have that same canned response all the time.

February 11, 2009