Thursday, February 5, 2009

I wrote 11 microblogs.

8:06 am

alarms blow.

10:01 am

@jmwing i have a meeting on court ave at 5:15. i'll come right after that - probably 6ish.

10:53 am

moment of truth. trying out our fresh new internal CMS software on an app it wasn't written for.

11:31 am

i love when i catch myself responding to email on my phone while i'm sitting at my computer.
1 comment

1:29 pm

got my ballcap out of kari's car, havin a sandwich at planet sub.

3:32 pm

@jmwing twana come over?

5:09 pm

broomball meeting. downtown legends. meet me at el bait shop afterwards

6:30 pm

mandy and jacci are about to get into it.

9:36 pm

playing buck hunter and pool at liars club, haha

10:19 pm

@nicolek good for you guys. good stamina nick!
1 comment

10:41 pm

that was a good happy hour. headin home

February 5, 2009