Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I took 4 photos and wrote 9 microblogs. I was in West des Moines, Iowa.

8:49 am

i just ate sushi for breakfast, haha. heading to work.

10:52 am

My Mad Bomber Hat Came, haha.
1 comment

10:53 am

My Mad Bomber Hat Came, haha.

10:59 am

my new hat came, haha:

1:11 pm

New hat, new glasses, new leather coat

1:36 pm

Flaps Up

1:47 pm

Lechi does some nice tailor work. Grandpa's old coat is as good as new!

1:55 pm

i am 100% satisfied with how ridiculous i am starting to look.
1 comment

3:30 pm

wishing my iphone and android friends could be on google latitude with me, haha.

6:09 pm

back to doing taxes - with my fingers way crossed.

7:12 pm

so we somehow made more money in 2008, but contributed less taxes than we did in 2007. this is a problem. we owe money.
1 comment

8:30 pm

woooo, kari brought me a whole mess o grilled veggies.

11:54 pm

wtf, my tweet stream has become a chat room. ... but anyway, tonight was productive and midnight is here. bedtime!

February 4, 2009