Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I took 6 photos and wrote 12 microblogs. I was in Ankeny and Des Moines, Iowa.

8:04 am

man, there is a LOT to do today. it's gonna be a tough one.

10:18 am

i am about to add the dude that keeps calling for marlene to my address book

11:18 am

Transmitting file data ....... Committed revision 600.

12:18 pm

@JMWING hell yes man. congrats!

2:48 pm

@djdiverse that's longer than my freakin beard!

4:25 pm

heading to clear channel for a broomball interview, haha. listen to kxno 1460am after 4:45

4:50 pm

we're gonna be on at 5:05, KXNO. someone record it
1 comment

4:59 pm

1 comment

4:59 pm

Interview at KXNO

5:19 pm

rafio djs are hilarious

5:20 pm

haha, and by rafio i mean radio

5:46 pm

at wang's asian market. someone on this side of town should get a beer with me.
1 comment

6:52 pm

random homemade sushi night is happening. oh yes.

7:44 pm

Sushi Night

7:46 pm

Applying Rice

7:50 pm

Rolling Maki

8:03 pm

California Roll Practice

11:11 pm

annoyed by my lack of productivity at home lately. lame-o!