Monday, February 16, 2009

I took 1 photo and wrote 12 microblogs. I was in Ankeny, Iowa.

12:14 am

lost broomball, but had a good time with jeff. bedtime!

7:57 am

waking up is rough today. i wonder why

8:09 am

whew. jumped outta bed and released a new version of a site for a client. that'll wake you up in a hurry.

10:11 am

130 days of uptime on my imac. i think it's about time i try to figure out why i havent been able to update...

12:51 pm

HeyWatch! is a pretty sweet service.
1 comment

1:45 pm

gettin a burger at the stadium

2:20 pm

w00t. finally got my imac updated by downloading the combo update. but now my 4 month uptime is destroyed. :(

3:53 pm

@KevinSwitzer if i remember correctly, you used to have baby wipes in our dorm room.
1 comment

5:58 pm

lotsa house cleanin to do!

7:05 pm

"derek! we dont keep cliff's notes in this house!" ...just got totally busted for having cliffnotes in our bookcase.

8:03 pm

The last bottle of Jagermeister I will ever buy.

9:13 pm

still gettin some serious cleaning done. woooo.

10:58 pm

goin to bed. i want a cleaning lady.
1 comment

February 16, 2009